The Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan Friday released the seventh edition of the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2022. In the research category, which was newly introduced last year, IISc-Bengaluru has been adjudged the best, followed by IIT-Madras and IIT-Delhi at second and third places respectively.
NIRF Rankings 2022 | Top educational institutions | Best engineering colleges | Best colleges in India | Top medical colleges in India | Top universities in India | Best management colleges | Top law universities
Among the top 10 research institutes, IITs have dominated the category with six positions. Delhi University has from the 11th to 16th rank whereas JNU has improved its position from eighteenth last year to fourteenth position this year in the research category.
NIRF Rankings 2022: List of top 10 research institutions
Rank 1: IISc Bengaluru
Rank 2: IIT Madras
Rank 3: IIT Delhi
Rank 4: IIT Bombay
Rank 5: IIT Kharagpur
Rank 6: IIT Kanpur
Rank 7: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Rank 8: IIT Roorkee
Rank 9: AIIMS, Delhi
Rank 10: Vellore Institute of Technology
This year roughly 6,000 education institutions participated in NIRF. In order to be ranked, all education institutions are assessed on five parameters: teaching, learning and resources, research and professional practices, graduation outcomes, outreach and inclusivity, and perception.
Aside from the overall rankings, and performance in the engineering and university categories, NIRF also lists out best institutions across another eight categories – College, medical, management, pharmacy, law, architecture, dental and research.
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