IFFK: Delegate registration begins

IFFK: Delegate registration begins


The festival, organised by Kerala State Chalachitra Academy, will be held in Thiruvananthapuram from December 9 to 16

The festival, organised by Kerala State Chalachitra Academy, will be held in Thiruvananthapuram from December 9 to 16

The delegate registration for the 27th International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) opened on Friday, with over 5,000 people signing up on the first day.

The festival, organised by the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy, is set to be held in the capital from December 9 to 16. Aimed at increasing the representation of students, the academy has doubled the number of passes for the student community, from 1,500 to 3,000.

Close to 11,000 delegate passes will be available for the festival to be held across 14 theatres in the city. The delegate fee for the general category is ₹1,000. For students, the fee has been fixed as ₹500. The registration can be done online through www.iffk.in or directly at the delegate cell set up at Tagore Theatre. From this year, the registration can also be done through Akshaya kendras.

More than 180 films from countries across the world will be screened at the festival in the competition, World Cinema, Indian Cinema Now, Malayalam Cinema Today, retrospective and homage categories. Hundreds of guests, including jury members, from various countries are expected to take part in the festival.

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