The home-based screening for risk factors, being done as part of the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) control programme of the Health department, has covered 80 lakh people in the State, an official release issued by the department on Tuesday said.
The population-based screening was initiated by the department so that risk factors for NCDs can be detected and treated early before complications set in. Post screening, there is a follow up done by field-level health workers. Those at risk are encouraged to adopt lifestyle modifications which can keep their risk factors under check.
The screening programme is digitally managed through the ‘Shaili portal’ developed by the e-Health division, which is all set for a scale-up.
Health workers visit homes and screen all persons above 30 years.
Of the 79,41,962 persons screened so far, 19.97% has been detected to have at least one risk factor which predisposes them to have some major disease. About 11.02% have been detected with hypertension, 8.8% diabetes, while 3.88% have both these risk factors.
Health workers are also screening people for early detection of oral/breast and cervical cancers. So far, 0.32 % persons are suspected to have oral cancers, 5.53% breast cancer and 0.79% with possible cervical cancer. They have been referred to specialist centres for disease confirmation and for initiating treatment.
The department will ensure proper diagnosis and free care for those who need it, the statement said.