Govt. to press ahead with treasury modernisation: K.N. Balagopal

Govt. to press ahead with treasury modernisation: K.N. Balagopal


The State government will press on with the measures to modernise Treasury department offices using technologies that help to enhance security and guarantee operational transparency, Finance Minister K.N. Balagopal has said.

Mr. Balagopal was speaking on Monday after launching six new application modules, including an Aadhaar-enabled biometric authentication system for treasury officials, under the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS).

The Aadhaar-based biometric authentication system would be used by treasury officials for accessing treasury applications. The new system would enhance the credibility and efficiency of the department and guarantee transparency in financial transactions, Mr. Balagopal said.

The Treasury department in Kerala is unique in that it offers banking services on the strength of a covenant made when Travancore became part of the Indian union. Today, it was a major financial set-up that handled close to ₹1.5 lakh crore annually, he said.

For speeding up file movement, the e-Office system has now been extended to all Treasury department offices including the directorate, deputy directorates, district treasury offices, and sub treasury offices.

The other new application modules include a single sign-on mechanism that allows users to easily access all the approved IFMS applications. The new features would help to enhance security features, convenience and efficiency, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Additional Chief Secretary (Finance), said.

District panchayat president D. Suresh Kumar presided. Mohammed Y. Safirulla, Officer on Special Duty (Finance Resources), G. Sudharmini, Principal Accountant General, Treasuries director V. Sajan, also spoke.

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