Friendly meet on Bakrid at Avikkal Thodu protest site in Kozhikode

Friendly meet on Bakrid at Avikkal Thodu protest site in Kozhikode


The people of Vellayil and surrounding areas in Kozhikode celebrated Bakrid at the anti-STP protest site at Avikkal Thodu on Sunday, making a statement against the Corporation’s move to setup a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) there.

The anti-STP protest committee of Avikkal Thodu hosted a unique friendly get-together at the pavilion where they have been protesting for the last seven months. The pavilion, which was repeatedly destroyed by the police or the Corporation, was once again erected and hundreds of people, including women and children, assembled at the venue. They distributed payasam and spent the day at the venue, driving in the point that they would not back out from the protest.

The committee has erected a board at the venue listing the organisations, sports clubs, youth organisations, local units, religious and political outfits, that have extended support to the protest in writing. “All kinds of people are with us, irrespective of politics, religion or occupation. The allegation of terrorism is just their way to undermine our cause and create a diversion,” said Dawood T., chairman of the protest committee, adding that the friendly get-together was an answer to these allegations.

The police had slapped Section 107 of the Indian Penal Code (for misrepresentation or concealment of facts) against a few leaders of the protest a week ago, which prevented them from taking part in further protests.

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