As the examination for recruitment of beat forest officers, conducted exclusively for the tribal youths by the Public Service Commission, began on Saturday afternoon, a cloud of anxiety cast over the Karikulam forest station in Ranni.
Having landed in their uniforms several years ago, the officials here have not been used to exam anxiety for a longtime now. But with 20 of their ‘wards’ appearing for the special recruitment this time, they were feeling it like seeking a second chance for recruitment.
The wards, all residents of the tribal colonies at Adichipuzha and Chollanavayal, had attended the basic coaching and orientation sessions organised by the officials here last week. The session, according to the officials here, was part of a special drive held in association with the Tribal Development department to help eligible candidates to apply for the post.
It, incidentally, also marked the first step of a long-term plan by the forest station here to groom the tribal youths to gain employment in government service.
Buoyed by the response, the department has now decided to continue with the training for tribal youths on all Saturdays and Sundays. A team of five officers led by M.G. Sanal Kumar, a Section Forest Officer, will be leading the classes.
Nikhil Krishnan, a forest official who coordinates the project, said the youths, who belonged to the nomadic Malampandaram community, had come to attend the session after much persuasion. “Almost all of them have no clue about the online registration and filling of the bubbles in OMR sheets. Alongside, some basic training in mathematics and general knowledge too will be offered,” he said.
Officials expect the coaching sessions to become more lively once the project starts on a regular note. Besides training, the Forest department will also act as a facilitator for conducting online registration of the candidates and downloading of hall tickets etc.
The project is being initiated with ample support from P.K. Jayakumar Sharma, Divisional Forest Officer, Ranni, and K.S. Manoj, Range Forest Officer.