‘Feminist movement in State split over Civic Chandran case’



Many could not digest that a Dalit woman made the allegation on her own, says activist

Many could not digest that a Dalit woman made the allegation on her own, says activist

Writer and activist C.S. Chandrika has said that the sexual assault case involving activist Civic Chandran has created a rift in the feminist movement in Kerala, as a large section of feminist activists in the State have stood in support of the activist and against the two women who had levelled charges of sexual assault against him.

Opening a protest meeting in support of survivors in various cases in which high-profile individuals were accused of sexual assault, she said a section of the cultural sphere, not just in Kozhikode, but the entire State, had not been able to digest the fact that a Dalit woman had made the allegation and has, therefore, unleashed a campaign that she was put up for the job by the ruling CPI(M).

Ms. Chandrika condemned casteism and male chauvinism that still governed the cultural sphere of the State. “Most people were sceptic about her allegation, as they believe that a Dalit woman cannot have the courage to come up with such a charge without strong backing. But this is not just any Dalit woman. She is a writer and scholar with strong conviction that she has been fighting campaigns to malign her online,” she said, adding that one more woman coming up with allegations against Civic Chandran had strengthened her position.

“There are a couple of other women who have faced similar plights but have not come out due to fear that they will have to face online slander. This is in effect destroying the very purpose of the #MeToo campaign,” Ms. Chandrika observed.

The meeting was organised by the collective ‘Athijeevithamarkkoppam Kozhikode’.

Women’s organisations across the State had conducted a series of meetings a month ago in support of the survivor in the actor rape case. However, questions were raised by various quarters as to why the feminists did not stand up for women who were not so famous, yet have faced sexual assault from prominent individuals.

Athijeevithamarkkoppam was formed to offer support to all survivors, said K. Ajitha, president of Anweshi.

Several women activists and sympathisers of the cause joined the protest meeting.


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