Feast to commemorate the late Catholicos

Feast to commemorate the late Catholicos


The feast of the late Baselios Mar Thoma Poulose II, the eighth Catholicos of the East and former head of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, on the occasion of his first death anniversary will be held at the Devalokam Catholicate Palace here from July 3 to 12.

Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews III, present Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan, and other metropolitans of the Orthodox Church will lead the services. The commemoration will begin with the holy Eucharist at 7.30 a.m. on July 3. Senior metropolitan Kuriakose Mar Cleemis will hoist the Catholicate flag.

Minister for Culture Saji Cherian will inaugurate a remembrance meet at the palace auditorium at 7.15 p.m. on July 11. Health Minister Veena George will officially launch a charity programme in remembrance of the late Catholicos. Former Chief Minister Oommen Chandy will inaugurate the distribution of dialysis kits by the Ardram Charitable Society on the occasion.

The event will draw to close with a prayer service and a meeting on July 12.

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