Fear stalks villagers as tiger on prowl



A tiger that has strayed into the forest fringes of Pathanamthitta is giving sleepless nights to the residents of Kattachira, a settlement near Seethathodu.

According to villagers, the animal that strayed into this settlement presumably from the adjoining Sabarimala forests, has begun feasting on their livestock. A few days ago, the big cat attacked and killed a six-months pregnant cow reared by the Achutan-Usha couple. With all 15 families in the village into diary farming, they now fear that the tiger will soon return in search of their cattle.

Ever since the animal made its appearance at the village, the locals are now travelling in groups even during day time while most of them are also staying awake during nights to ensure safety of their cattle and pet animals. The Forest officials, who have traced the animal’s pug marks, too have issued a warning for the villagers to be vigilant as the animal poses a threat to both human and cattle.

The authority has also placed a cage at the location where the animal was last spotted. Local watchers too have been deployed to attend to any eventualities, besides camera traps at different locations to monitor the straying of wildlife. The tiger, however, is yet to be traced.

“The tiger is most likely have strayed out of the Periyar Tiger Reserve and looks unable to find its way back to the dense forests . We are keeping a close watch on the village and alerts have been issued,” said Shiju, Deputy Range Officer, Chittar Forest station.


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