Domestic Workers’ Day observed



Framing of comprehensive laws by the Union and the State governments and implementation of social security schemes for domestic workers were some of the demands raised by the Self-Employed Women’s Association-Union (SEWA-Union) in connection with International Domestic Workers’ Day on Thursday.

N.K. Premachandran, MP, inaugurated a public meeting held at Martyrs’ Column here. He promised to highlight the condition of domestic workers and speak out for them in Parliament.

SEWA-Union president Sarojam S. presided. Union general secretary Sonia George, State committee member Seeta Dasan, and Sheena Basheer spoke.

Programmes were held across the State too. The ‘My fair home’ campaign was held in various residents’ associations to create awareness among employers about domestic workers’ rights.

June 16, which marks the anniversary of the adoption of ILO Convention 189 stipulating decent work for domestic workers, is observed by domestic workers around the world as International Domestic Workers’ Day.

A statement by SEWA said dometic workers were the most scattered and most likely to be denied their rights among all unorganised sectors. They were not recognised as essential service providers. They had also suffered the most job losses during the pandemic, but no thought was given to compensating them for lost wages.

They did not figure in any of the State or the Union governments’ social security packages or projects, nor did Budgets set aside any funds for their social security. They were almost outside the purview of the four labour codes as private homes were not recognised as workplaces. This was also the main hurdle in framing policies and laws in the domestic work sector, the statement said.


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