Daily Quiz | On Vincent van Gogh



Daily Quiz | On Vincent van Gogh

1 / 7 |
Simple one to begin with. What was van Gogh’s nationality?

2 / 7 |
Name the type of Japanese prints that he collected and which inspired his own art.

3 / 7 |
Name the painting that the artist is certain to have sold during his career before his suicide in 1890.

4 / 7 |
In Akira Kurosawa’s surreal film Dreams, which Oscar-winning filmmaker played the troubled painter?

5 / 7 |
He is said to have painted seven of these similar paintings of which five are in museums, one is in a private collection and another was lost during World War II. What specific set?

6 / 7 |
Vincent was keen on setting up an artists’ community at his house in Arles. Name the only artist to take up the offer.

7 / 7 |
In 1990, whose portrait fetched $82.5 million, a record price for a van Gogh work at auction?


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