Cabinet nod for two nursing colleges

Cabinet nod for two nursing colleges


Thiruvananthapuram The Cabinet on Wednesday gave administrative sanction to start nursing colleges attached to the Government Medical College Hospitals in Kollam and Mancheri. The government would create 14 teaching and 22 non-teaching posts to start classes in the 2022-23 academic year.

The Cabinet exempted retired army, GREF and BRO personnel, wives, and widows from paying property tax.

The government would set up preliminary water quality testing labs in 313 higher secondary schools.

The government would protect excess teaching and non-teaching staff in State-aided institutions appointed in added posts during the 2011-12 and 2014-15 periods.

The Cabinet allowed the benefits of the 11th Pay Revision Commission for the staff of the C.H. Muhammad Koya Memorial Institute for the Mentally Challenged in Pangappara. The revision would also apply to non-academic staff attached to the Institute of Management in Government.

The government would revise the salary of Kerala Kalamandalam Art and Culture Deemed University. It has also ordered the completion of pending work at the Kuttakadavu regulator in Palakkad and the check-dam across the Bharathapuzha river at Mannanoor.

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