Boxing accreditation issue | No problems with access: Women’s head coach Bhatt



The boxing contingent, comprising 12 boxers, was initially allocated four officials as per the prescribed 33 percent support staff. Later, the number was increased to eight.

The boxing contingent, comprising 12 boxers, was initially allocated four officials as per the prescribed 33 percent support staff. Later, the number was increased to eight.

The Indian boxing contingent was in the limelight for unwanted reasons after two support staff – women’s head coach Bhaskar Bhatt and team doctor Dr. Karanjeet Singh – were replaced with Lovlina Borgohain’s coach Sandhya Gurung and another physio owing to stipulated number of accreditation to the Games Village.

The boxing contingent, comprising 12 boxers, was initially allocated four officials as per the prescribed 33 percent support staff. Later, the number was increased to eight.

As per the new accreditation card received by Bhatt and Dr. Singh, they can access the Games Village throughout the day and be at the training before returning to the team hotel at night.

New arrangement done keeping in view the boxers’ needs

Bhatt said the new arrangement was done keeping in view the boxers’ needs. “There is no problem with our access. Only we have to stay at a hotel, which is very close to the Village. Even the doctor can be there with us during the training,” Bhatt told The Hindu from Birmingham.

“A physio is needed for the boxers most of the time, so we made the arrangement for the stay of the men’s team physio in the Village.”

Bhatt said there would be no issues with access even during the bouts. “There are no issues at all. Even the doctor can take care of the boxers at the competition venue. A doctor, appointed by the organisers, always stays at the ringside to take care of boxers in case of any injuries to them during the bout.”

Meanwhile, a source said four Indian boxers, Amit Panghal, Ashish Kumar, Nitu Ghanghas and Lovlina, gave their samples for dope testing on Wednesday.


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