Ben Platt on ‘The People We Hate at the Wedding’: ‘I remember a lot of on-set singing and harmonizing’ 



Ben Platt in stills from The People We Hate at the Wedding
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Choosing to play Paul in the rom-com, The People We Hate at the Wedding was an easy decision for Ben Platt. Speaking over a video call from New York City, (“Right on the park, it is a very nice day,”) Ben says, “During the pandemic, Claire Scanlon (director) reached out via my reps and asked if I would read the script and see if I connected to it. I read it and immediately thought it was sweet, warm and funny. I loved the character of Paul and the idea of playing somebody that was a little closer to myself than I usually play. I spoke to Claire once and loved her as well.”

Paul, Ben says is sarcastic and a little self effacing. “He means well. He has good intentions, and is sensitive. He is still finding himself in his adulthood. He relies a little too much on his relationship to define everything and in the movie learns how to be his own person.”

Rock and role

Choosing roles, differs from project to project, the 29-year-old actor says. “The character is the most important thing. Is it something I feel excited about playing? Will I do a good job? Do I feel like it is too similar to something I’ve already done? Does it meet me in terms of where I am in my life? Is it the right thing for me?” Are some of the questions Ben asks himself before signing on the dotted line. “At this moment, much like anybody else, I was looking to do something joyful, funny and uplifting. This came at the right time.”

No role is off the table for Ben. “I am pretty open but I am not a big horror person, because I’m afraid of most horror films. Maybe doing a film would help me not be so afraid because I could see how they are made. I probably would be nervous, but if it was the right thing I bet I will still do it. As long as it is a good script, a nice character and a good director, then I am on board.”

Sing along

Ben, who began his career in musical theatre, winning a Tony, Emmy and Grammy for his role in Dear Evan Hansen, bonded with his co-star Kristen Bell, who plays his sister, Alice in the movie, over musical theatre. “I remember a lot of on-set singing and harmonizing with Kristen. She and I have been mutual fans for a long time but haven’t had the opportunity to work together. We both come from musical theater and are big, big musical theater nerds.”

Ben’s favourite musical is Stephen Sondheim’s Sunday in the Park with George. “I’ve always dreamt of doing that role.”  

Going live

With two studio albums under his belt, apart from acting on Broadway, film and television, Ben says he enjoys live performance. “Whether it is musical theater, which is acting and music, or concerts and touring, they are my favourites.”

There are challenges to performing live, Ben says. “There are a lot more variables; you cannot stop and start and you only get one shot. There are many more opportunities for things to go awry but that also makes it much more alive. It is different every time and ephemeral.”

Real deal

There is a real purity to live performances, Ben says. “With everything becoming so virtual, it is more important than ever to have these experiences that are entirely physical and real. That is hard to replace.”

While we all know the cons of going virtual, Ben enumerates some of the pros. “It is obviously very connective, even for people that cannot necessarily make things happen physically. The opportunities opened to a larger number of people. It is equalizing and opens the floodgates of who can connect with whom, which also can be a con but it is a positive thing that there is a way to reach out to anyone virtually.”

Though taking a step back in social media, Ben says he uses it to promote his music. “I probably was more active when I was younger. I now try to treat it professionally and as a tool for promotion as opposed to something personal. I use it a little to see what my friends and family are up to and keep up with what they are doing. In terms of really connecting, that is more just text and calling.”

The People We Hate at the Wedding is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video


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