Anthropologist P.R.G. Mathur passes away



Renowned anthropologist P.R.G. Mathur, 88, died here on Wednesday. He has made notable contributions to anthropology through his international research papers and books.

He worked for the Anthropological Survey of India under the Central government for 14 years from 1959. He worked at Calicut University from 1973, and was director of the Kerala Institute for Research Training and Development Studies of Scheduled Castes and Tribes (KIRTADS) until 1987. Dr. Mathur guided several students in their research.

After retiring from government service, he worked for the Anantha Krishna Iyer International Centre for Anthropological Studies (AICAS), International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), and International Commission on Anthropological Research.

His studies among the tribespeople of Attappady and Wayanad have been considered seminal. Dr. Mathur worked among the tribespeople for their upliftment. He is survived by wife Rugmini and son Srinivas G. Mathur.


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