A family of four that shares same birthday

A family of four that shares same birthday


The birthday cake with names of Aneesh and his family members.

Birthdays are certainly a happy occasions. But what if that occasion comes on the same day for all the members of a family?

A family of four at Padiyotichal in Pattuvam, Kannur, celebrate their birthday on May 25. Aneesh Kumar, born on May 25, 1980, is a gulf returnee and his wife Ajitha, born on May 25, 1987, is a staff nurse at a private hospital. Their children Aradhya and Agney were born on May 25 in 2012 and 2019.

Mr. Kumar feels this is more than a coincidence. It was never planned and it must be a blessing, he says.

“I got to know that my wife shares the same birthday when my family matched our horoscopes for our marriage,” he said.

Uncanny coincidence

The birth of their daughter on the same day of the month surprised them. In fact, doctor had given May 23 as the due date for delivery, he says. However, labour pain did not develop even a day after she was admitted to the hospital. Aradhya was born on May 25.

Suddenly the family had a third reason to celebrate on May 25, Mr. Kumar said.

But they were in for another surprise a few years later when they were expecting their second child. Doctors said the date of delivery is going to be the same day of the month, he said.

Mr. Aneesh said that unlike many who plan childbirth on auspicious days through C-Section, both their children were born through normal delivery. However, for their relatives and extended family, it is indeed an auspicious day, which they celebrate religiously.

The birth date surprises many, especially when they go for documentation. Officials pause seeing the date being repeated, certain there is a mistake.

Even though they all share the same birth date, Ms. Ajitha says they are polls apart in their opinions, choices and views. “May be this strengthens our bond and goads us to respect each other,” she says.

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