Students stage flash mob heralding National Ayurveda Day

Students stage flash mob heralding National Ayurveda Day


The students of Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College, Kanjikode, staged a flash-mob at different points in Palakkad town on Wednesday, heralding the National Ayurveda Day celebrations taking place on October 23. They distributed pamphlets and gooseberry candies as part of promoting Ayurveda. A free mobile clinic also marked the occasion. College principal M.D. Sheba Sunil said that the students were organizing various programmes with the message of “har din, har ghar Ayurveda” (meaning Ayurveda every day, Ayurveda everywhere), this year’s theme of National Ayurveda Day. Apart from Dr. Sunil, vice principal Asundi Vijayalakshmi and hospital administrator Shibu led the programme.

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