Get-together of Hamlet ASHA workers serving tribals in city today

Get-together of Hamlet ASHA workers serving tribals in city today


The Kerala government is organising a get-together of ASHA workers who work among the tribals in the State (Hamlet ASHA) on Friday at Thiruvananthapuram. Health Minister Veena George will inaugurate the get-together.

Close to 500 ASHAs who work in remote tribal colonies in various parts of the State are expected to attend in the meeting.

The get-together is to empower ASHAs working in rural areas with more and genuine information on tribal projects of the State as well as how tribal health can be improved. Since these ASHAs are living in the same tribal colony, their services are accessible to the tribals round the clock.

The Oorumitram scheme helps to create special health infrastructure for tribals. The ASHA for a tribal colony is selected by the women in the colony itself and she is provided training to upgrade her skills. They convey vital health information to the tribals, apart from popularising government schemes.

Till now, 536 Hamlet ASHAs have been selected from 11 districts and they have undergone proper training too.

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