Education dept. to launch file adalats today

Education dept. to launch file adalats today


File adalats will be organised in the General Education Department starting Monday. Delivery of government services in a precise and fast manner to the public is the government’s goal. As people’s lives are connected with these files, the government is making efforts to expedite file movement and decisions on them. In the General Education Department, files are pending from the offices of the assistant education officers to the Directorate of General Education, Minister for General Education V. Sivankutty said in a statement on Sunday.

As part of arrangements ahead of school reopening on June 1, file adalats were being organised to dispose of such pending files. The adalats would help address problems of department employees and the public. Maximum files would be disposed of during the file adalats. Pendency of files would not be allowed in the department, Mr. Sivankutty said.

The Minister would inaugurate the file adalats at a State-level event at Pareeksha Bhavan at Poojappura here at 10 a.m. on Monday.

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