110th anniversary of Malankara Catholicate held

110th anniversary of Malankara Catholicate held


The Church has the obligation to see all the people in the world as brothers and treat them with love and care, Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews III, Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan, has said

He was inaugurating the 110th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of Catholicate in Malankara at the Parumala seminary on Wednesday.

The Catholicos also inaugurated the distribution of aid from Sahodaran, a charity scheme for the poor.

Gevarghese Mar Coorilos presided. K.S. Radhakrishnan delivered the keynote address. Yuhanon Mar Poli carpos, Abraham Mar Epiphanios, clergy trustee Father Thomas Varghese Amayil, lay trustee Rony Varghese Abraham, and Malankara Syrian Christian Association secretary Biju Oommen spoke.

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